April 2023 New Update

April is here and The Vicar of Dibley rehearsals are going extremely well. We have some new actors joining our Group and some familiar faces too. Props and costumes and the set creation crews are all beavering away. So much is involved behind the scenes and we endeavour to be as professional as possible in every aspect.  Tickets are on sale now, no no no …..YES!  So if you haven’t already booked please do so as soon as possible. Our previous award winning production was a sell-out; we would hate you to be disappointed and miss out! Show dates are: 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27th May. Booking details below.


A wonderful time at the Forget-me-not Café at St. John’s Church in March was enjoyed by both the attendees and the Choir.  The focus is now on rehearsing for the annual HAG Summer Charity event on June 24th.  Decisions will have to be made by our wonderful choir directors, to what songs to include as the Choir’s repertoire is now extensive, but I suspect a few old favourites will be on the list too.  Singing is good for the soul and as choir members will tell you the Monday night session kick starts the week perfectly.

Please contact us if you are interested in joining our fun group in whatever capacity.  Stay safe and take care. contactus@hartleyartsgroup.com
Ticket booking:  www.ticketsource.co.uk/hag 

Box Office 07899 998906

No, no, no….yes – Booking now open for The Vicar of Dibley!


This classic, iconic show is coming to Hartley Wintney in May!

As a multi award winning amateur drama group, we are excited to announce:




Box Office: 07899 998906 (no booking fees)

Email: boxoffice@hartleyartsgroup.com

Tickets are £15 with performances on 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 May at The Victoria Hall, Hartley Wintney.

We are pleased to tell you that the performance licence fees for this show go to Comic Relief.

Please do follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to find out about upcoming shows, auditions and to take a peek behind the scenes!

Don’t miss out on this fabulously funny show – BOOK NOW!

See you in Dibley!

March 2023 News Update

March winds doth blow – hopefully not!  There is a great deal in the wind at HAG though.  The Vicar of Dibley is now full steam ahead and we need to keep our high standards going.  We have received the fantastic news that Calendar Girls, our last production, has been awarded the 2022 Accolade of Excellence for Drama, by the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA).  Congratulations to all involved.  The award is to be presented to HAG representatives in June 2023.  Looking forward to May when we will be entertaining our audiences again in the Victoria Hall.


The Choir are now practising for a regular event; to sing to the lovely people who attend the Forget-me-not Café at St. John’s Church.  This will be on Tuesday 28th March and will be a great fun afternoon.  Choir Director Lesley says she doesn’t know who enjoys the occasion more, the Choir or the guests. After that they will be focused on rehearsing for the annual HAG Summer Charity event on June 24th when we will be hoping to raise the usual £1,000 or more hopefully, for a local charity which will usually be nominated by a Choir member. 

Please contact us if you are interested in joining our fun group in whatever capacity.  Stay safe and take care. contactus@hartleyartsgroup.com

NEWSFLASH!! Finalists in the Poster & Programme Competition for 2022 NODA Nominations

News from NODA: Following many hours of pouring through the programmes & posters and marking according to the provided mark scheme the sub committee is very pleased to announce the following finalists. 

The winners and those that are highly commended will be announced at the Celebration Day on Sunday 11th June at the Electric Theatre in Guildford.

Here are the names of the finalists in each of the categories for the Poster & Programme Competition. 

Congratulations to Alan and Frank for the Secondary Cause of Death programme design and content, and reaching the finals. Good luck for Sunday 11th June.

Finalists for the Peacock Class Programme (>20 pages)
Benchmark Musical TheatreYoung Frankenstein
GTG GodalmingDick Whittington
Haslemere PlayersKipps
Finalists for the Perkins Class Programme (16-20pages) 
CODYThe Addams Family
Opera South EastThe Mikado
Finalists for the Barnes Class Programme (< 16 pages) 
Guildburys Theatre CompanyFlint Street Nativity
Hartley Arts GroupSecondary Cause of Death
The NomadsMacbeth
Finalists for the Thomas-Leng Poster Competition 
Ashford TheatreDick Whittington
GDS GillinghamPriscilla Queen of Desert
Sway Drama ClubNeighbourhood Watch

Vicar of Dibley Cast List

Congratulations to the following members in the cast for our next production in May

Geraldine – Emma Walker

Alice – Helen Robson

Hugo – Paul Hughes

David – Giles Webb

Owen – Will Nash

Jim – Bill Hansell

Frank – Gerry Mills

Mrs Cropley – Gill Richardson

Show Dates May 19th,20th,25th,26th,27th. Victoria Hall

Rehearsals will be on Tuesday and Thursday, start 8-10pm from 21st February and 2nd March Sunday’s nearer the time.

February 2023 News Update

FEBRUARY already!  We were praying that the license for the Vicar of Dibley would be granted and thankfully it has been. So full steam ahead now.  The readthrough will take place in the Jubilee Hall on Tuesday 7th February at 8pm and auditions the following week on Tues/Thurs, 14th and 16th February, same time, same place.
This is always an exciting time at the start of a new production.  Not only will the actors be agreed, but the whole crew needs to be organised to support the production.  If you fancy assisting in anyway, then please contact us (details below) or pop along on 7th Feb and meet some of our members.  This month is very busy as there is a post-Valentine party being organised for current members, HAG certainly know how to party!

The Choir are already back in full voice.  Practising for the next Charity event scheduled for June.  At one point we had nearly 80 choir members, quite a feat to get everyone on the stage! Performing isn’t compulsory, but we do try to encourage it – after all, why put all the effort in and not show off what you can do?  There is safety in numbers if you are shy.

Please contact us if you are interested in joining our fun group in whatever capacity.  Stay safe and take care. contactus@hartleyartsgroup.com

Breaking News. NODA Award Announcement.

Hartley Arts Group have received the fantastic news that ‘Calendar Girls’ have been awarded the 2022 Accolade of Excellence for Drama, by the National Operatic and Dramatic Association. Congratulations to all in involved in this production. The award is to be presented to Hartley Arts Group representatives on 11th June 2023 at the NODA Celebration Day in Guildford.

January 2023 News Update

Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2023!  Goodness how the years fly by.  Our next production The Vicar of Dibley will be in May, but auditions and the start of rehearsals are imminent.  So if you would like to be notified of the audition dates, and are not already on our mailing list for Members/Associate Members (Free), please contact the Group directly as soon as possible on our email address below. Enjoy 2023 in whatever way you can and hopefully we will see you being entertained by us or with us on stage/back stage/Front of House. Let 2023 be a busy year.

After a very successful Christmas Show the choir will be buoyed up and raring to go!  We meet Monday evenings 7.30pm – 9.30pm in the Jubilee Hall.  A great start to the week and a boost to the spirits.  Singing is so good for mental health.  January always seems a low energy month after Christmas, so I suspect the Choir cannot wait to sing again. I wonder what the repertoire will be this year. Funny how one song can be a challenge to begin with, but end up being one of our favourites.  Rock On 2023! Please contact us if you are interested in joining our fun group in whatever capacity.  Stay safe and take care. contactus@hartleyartsgroup.com